- Child Growth and Development 1
- Foundation of Social Studies 1
- Foundations of Grammar
- Historical & Philosophical Perspectives in Caribbean ECE
- Information Literacy
- Mathematics in EC 1
- Personal Development
- The Emerging Professional
- Child Growth and Development 2
- Communication Skills 1
- Foundation of Social Studies 2
- Mathematics in EC 2
- Movement for Early Childhood
- Music for ECE
- Practicum 1
- Strategies in EC Pedagogy 1
- Communication Skills 2
- Creating & Teaching Visual Arts
- Curriculum for Pre-Schoolers (3-5year)
- Health and Family Life Education
- Language & Literacy in the Early Years
- Number Concept 1
- Science for E. C. Teachers 1
- Strategies in EC Pedagogy 2
- Curriculum for Lower Primary Grades (6-8 years)
- Guiding Young Children’s Behaviour
- Introduction to Literacy Development
- Number Concept 2
- Practicum 2
- Science for E.C. Teachers 2
- Assessment in ECE
- Citizenship Education
- Curriculum for Infant and Toddlers (0-3 Year)
- Educational Technology
- Introduction to Educational Research
- Moral Education & Spirituality in Early Childhood
- Special Needs in EC. Education
- Teaching Young Children Mathematics
- Advanced Studies in Literacy 2
- Dancehall, Sex & Religious Ideology
- Entrepreneurship
- Practicum 3
- Research Applied: Theory into Practice
- School, Family & Community Relations
- Teaching Mathematics Through Play
- Practicum 4
- Functional French
- Functional Spanish
- Introduction to Environmental Studies & SD
- Leadership & Administration in EC
- Literature Appreciation
- Professional Seminars
Specialization Early Childhood – Language Arts & Social Studies
LA321ECB Advanced Studies in Literacy 1
LA400ECB Introduction to Children’s Literature
LA030ECB Critical Thinking for the Language Arts Teacher
Specialization Early Childhood – Mathematics & Science
MT211PRB Algebra & Problem Solving in the Primary Classroom