The Geography, History, Social Studies and Primary Department facilitates Secondary, Primary and Advanced Credit Programmes on a Full-Time and Part-Time basis, leading to the Bachelor’s Degree in Education. We are dedicated to providing high quality education and training to persons interested in joining the profession as specialists in the different disciplines. We are committed to promoting the national standards and goals of education, integrating our historical experiences, cultural values and knowledge of the natural and human environments in developing individuals who understand their own role in national and global development.
“Learn from the past: The future is yours”
To be a centre of excellence, nurturing the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective global citizenship.
The Mission of the Geography, History, Social Studies & Primary Department is to:
Secondary Programme:
Primary Programme:
Advanced Credit Programme ( Full-Time and Part-Time):
Bachelor of Education ( Part-Time) Primary
We boast a world-class faculty and staff with deep commitment to our students.
Geography, History, Social Students and Primary Education Department
(876) 924-1095, Extension: 5020, 5021
[email protected]
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.