“The Shortwood Teachers’ College Sports Complex, located at the corner of Shortwood Road & Olivier Road, is open for business, after renovations that included a brand new changing room facility. The Shortwood Foundation Office operates the facility.
What are the recent developments regarding the Shortwood Teachers’ College Sports Complex, particularly in terms of renovations and the facilities offered?
Who were the key individuals or organizations involved in the planning and execution of the Shortwood Teachers’ College Sports Complex Launch?
Good afternoon and thanks for contacting us. You can contact the Foundation Office at shortwood.foundation@stcoll.edu.jm or 876-325-7183.
How does the Sports Complex at Shortwood Teachers’ College contribute to the overall student experience?
Good afternoon. Thanks for contacting us. Please contact Shortwood Foundation, shortwood.foundation@stcoll.edu.jm or 876-325-7183
What are the recent developments regarding the Shortwood Teachers’ College Sports Complex, particularly in terms of renovations and the facilities offered?
Good afternoon. Thanks for contacting us. For information regarding the Sports Complex, see our Website at https://shortwood.edu.jm/shortwood-teachers-college-sports-complex-launch/